Sunday, January 11, 2015

A quick introduction...

Hello!  :)  My name is Christina Smith and I am a sophomore at the University of Florida.  I hail from Pompano Beach, but if you don't know where that is, just think Ft.Lauderdale.  I have no distinct background (Though I have a pretty unique last name), so I just consider myself to be 'Murican.  I am currently a criminology major (which I just changed from being Exploratory, woohoo!), and I am considering a minor in Communication Studies.  I am also considering double majoring with biology in order to go to a Graduate program for forensic sciences, but the chemistry throws me for a loop, so we shall see about that.  
Basically me
While I'm not really sure what I want to do when I graduate, I know my main interest is to work in the field of forensics or investigations one day.  Idunnolol ¯\(°_o)/¯

One of the most important things to know about me is that I am a huge nerd.  I love video games and anime, and I consider myself to be a connoisseur of internet memes.  I also love cosplaying, and though I'm not crafty so they're not the best, I have a lot of fun showing off outfits I've made (I have made Sora from Kingdom Hearts and Light from Death Note, and I want to make Envy from Fullmetal Alchemist and Yuno from Mirrai Nikki).  I also love sports, I like swimming, playing softball, and playing water polo.  I love languages, and I can speak some French and would love to learn Japanese, Spanish, and German.  I'm also a lefty, so people sometimes find that interesting.
I'm a lefty in a right-handed world
I chose to take this class because I think that the drug culture is very interesting to learn about.  It's such a prevalent yet forbidden topic in modern society, and I think drugs are interesting to learn about from both a psychological and biological study.

I love coffee, so I have a lot of experience with caffeine, though I drink it for the taste, not the actual stimulant effects.  I also have an ex-boyfriend who smoked weed frequently, and also experimented with hallucinogens.  Though I never really experimented with these drugs, I was able to observe their effects firsthand.  And, of course, being a college student, I have had many experiences with the drunk students of Midtown.  I am slightly conflicted with my beliefs about the legality of drugs.  First of all, I think that marijuana should be legalized for recreational use and taxed.  I feel smoking marijuana is a fad (comparable to drinking or smoking cigarettes) that will not go away, and people will do it regardless of its legality.  So, it might as well be used for the good of the country as a whole.  However, I think more hardcore drugs with more obvious detrimental health effects, such as heroin or cocaine, should remain illegal for the sake of public safety.

I will leave this post at that.  I look forward to taking this class, and I can't wait to get started.  :)

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